I have a Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems, and an MBA in Strategic Quality Management. I am proud to have more than 13 years of experience in the IT market.

Since the beginning of my career, the passion for quality and software testing has always driven me to go further and become a reference in the area. With that, I was able to work in multidisciplinary mobile development teams, where I specialized in developing native Android applications.

I’m currently very happy to be a lead mobile developer at @Thoughtworks. Here, I have the opportunity to put all my knowledge and experience into practice, working on challenging and exciting projects!

In addition, I am passionate about learning and constantly updating myself on new technologies and market trends, which allows me to always be ahead of the best practices and tools available.

It’s amazing to be part of this constantly evolving technological world, and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to contribute to the development of innovative solutions that can make a difference in the world.

Road to GDE: Supporting Future Google Developer Experts


XConf Brasil 2022 @Thoughtworks

Extraordinary Impact

Mocks, Flavors and Schemas: The combination we use to streamline feedback in our Mobile release process

At Thoughtworks we pursue excellence by working with agility, continuous delivery, and integration. In our conversation, we will discuss a solution that we implemented for a specific context, where there was a need to improve the speed of diagnosis regarding the health of mobile applications during the release process, in addition to diluting the responsibility for validating a release candidate for all teams involved.

XConf Brasil 2021 @Thoughtworks

Do it with us

Kranberry - The library designed to facilitate the automation of Android native UI tests

In this talk, we were able to present the results of using the Kranberry library in a real project, of an application in production used in 7 countries around the world.

On this occasion, it was possible to show indicators from the team demonstrating the impact of using the library on productivity in creating and maintaining end-to-end test suites.

Kotlin Meetup São Paulo

Kranberry - The library designed to facilitate the automation of Android native UI tests

Maintaining Android Mobile UI test code that is already structured is relatively easier than starting it from scratch.

Building/adapting an architecture, and defining libraries and their compatibilities, consumes precious time when we need to build end-to-end functional tests (E2E).

To get around this issue, we developed an Open-source library in order to facilitate the integration of native UI tests for Android in Kotlin, which aims to reduce the time and complexity of the initial configuration of these test modules.

Our goal is to show you which features are currently available, our vision of the future and how to contribute to the initiative!

TDC 2021 Transformation

Tests track

Case: How did we solve our problem with mass data for testing?

Getting mass of data with cohesion to test scenarios is a problem that we need to face in our daily lives as QAs, and we know that there are several ways to deal with it in practice: libraries that generate fake data, microservices, custom automation…

In our case, there were a series of restrictions that led us to design a solution where the masses are made available through static files in .json format, every day at dawn in a pipeline in Jenkins.

In this talk, I shared the criteria that led me to this decision and the current architecture, and how this way of automating data collection has been useful in our daily lives!

Mobile track

Kranberry - The library designed to facilitate the automation of Android native UI tests

In this talk, we were able to present the results of using the Kranberry library in a real project, of an application in production used in 7 countries around the world.

On this occasion, it was possible to show indicators from the team demonstrating the impact of using the library on productivity in creating and maintaining end-to-end test suites.

TDC 2020 Belo Horizonte

Microservices track

Contract testing for event-driven microservices using Pact

When we split a system into many small services, they need to communicate over well-defined interfaces (which sometimes grow not so neatly).

To minimize the risk of problems caused by changes in these interfaces, one of the possible ways is to carry out contract tests. But what about when these services in question communicate through messages and events?

In this talk, the objective was to talk about a contract testing approach for this type of system, using Pact.

Architecture track, microservices and tests

[Contract testing for event-driven microservices using Pact] After the first edition, the talk was selected among the most relevant themes of the track for a special online edition of the conference.

TDC 2019 São Paulo

Tests Track

Developing automated tests of web applications using Serenity & REST Assured

Testing applications is a recurring challenge in our area. This is because situations beyond our will and efforts can occur, which prevent us from having the desired conditions and necessary environments for this. In some situations we may come across the need to carry out tests integrating FrontEnd and API’s as early as possible. We must also keep test code clean and extensible and effectively manage the scenarios being covered. In this talk we are going to talk about how to develop a solution using Serenity and Rest Assured: a powerful combination of Java library and DLS that make test automation of this type more effective and fun!